
It's all about the mind of a woman who just wants to share something :) Enjoy!

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

2011, thank you for everything :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Time flies really fast. Wow. It's 2012 already. Another year over, the new one just begun. Can't say anything but thank you Jesus for everything. Thank Jesus for lead me through the year. Makasii Tuhan..

Gak semua pengalaman di 2011 menyenangkan. Iyalah yaaa.. Banyak malah yang nyakitin. Banyak yang bikin sakit hati, kecewa, sedih. Tapi ya sebelom gue complain, gue liat lagi sekarang. Malah justru karena hal-hal ga enak itu gue jadi belajar banyak. Gue jadi lebih sabar, lebih mengerti lah gimana harus bertindak. Hehehe. And so pasti, gue juga beryukur buat semua sweet moments yang udah Tuhan ijinin buat gue.

Really thank God buat semua yang udah gue lalui. And I believe 2012 will be greater! And I have no worry about what happen next cause I believe in Jesus. He has promised to give us a hopeful future :) Once more, HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!! God bless.